Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC


File Type:Celestia 3D rendering script
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Script file used by Celestia.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Celestia Development Team

... The free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions. Celestia runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

File Type:Microsoft Visual Studio project template file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Microsoft Visual Studio. Project template file.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:Microsoft Visual Studio Policy Description Language file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Policy Description Language (PDL) relies on the contents of the Policy.xsd file for its vocabulary. By using a schema instead of the unique syntax of a document type definition (DTD), you can define the rules that govern relationships between elements and attributes. You define the rules using a standard XML instance syntax (in this case PDL) that you can parse and manage using an XML application such as Msxml.dll, the Microsoft XML parser.
Open Programs:

Microsoft Visual Studio

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

New tools tailored to help you take on your software development challenges.

Visual Studio provides a range of tools that offer many benefits for individual developers and software development teams:

  • Be more productive and obtain faster results
  • Build dynamic Windows, Web, mobile, and Office-based solutions
  • Communicate and collaborate more effectively within your software teams
  • Ensure quality early and often throughout the development process
File Type:Turbo C utilities C form object file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Turbo C utilities.
Open Programs:

Borland C++ Builder

Company / developer:
  Borland Software Corporation


C++Builder® the leading RAD C++ IDE, revolutionizes C++ development with full API support for Windows Vista™ including themed applications and seamless VCL support for Aero™ and Vista Desktop™. With VCL for the Web you can quickly and visually build interactive and responsive dynamic data-driven corporate web applications that support AJAX techniques. We've also increased our ANSI C++ conformance including new Dinkumware library support. With the new build flexibility that supports MSBuild and custom build options you can radically boost your performance with up to 5x faster in-IDE build performance - as fast or faster than command line builds. The new DBX4 database architecture streamlines database connectivity and simplifies writing of data drivers. Plus, you'll save additional time by developing once on your choice of Windows® 2000, XP, or Vista and deploy to all.

File Type:ChatFactory script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Script file used by ChatFactory.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


IRC client

File Type:Perl file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Perl is a stable, cross platform programming language. It is used for mission critical projects in the public and private sectors and is widely used to program web applications of all needs.
Open Programs:

Adobe ExtendScript

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe ExtendScript

The ExtendScript Toolkit (ESTK) is a development and debugging tool for JavaScript scripts included with Adobe CS3 Suites and applications such as Bridge, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and After Effects. ESTK is a new and enhanced version that allows you to create, edit and debug ExtendScript (Adobe's JavaScript language) all with an updated user interface, a new text engine, and the ability to debug more than one script at a time.

File Type:Common Gateway Interface script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a standard for interfacing external applications with information servers, such as HTTP or Web servers. A plain HTML document that the Web daemon retrieves is static, which means it exists in a constant state: a text file that doesn't change. A CGI program, on the other hand, is executed in real-time, so that it can output dynamic information.

For example, let's say that you wanted to "hook up" your Unix database to the World Wide Web, to allow people from all over the world to query it. Basically, you need to create a CGI program that the Web daemon will execute to transmit information to the database engine, and receive the results back again and display them to the client. This is an example of a gateway, and this is where CGI, currently version 1.1, got its origins.

The database example is a simple idea, but most of the time rather difficult to implement. There really is no limit as to what you can hook up to the Web. The only thing you need to remember is that whatever your CGI program does, it should not take too long to process. Otherwise, the user will just be staring at their browser waiting for something to happen.
Open Programs:

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection

Design across media

Create visually rich, engaging content for virtually any media — print, web, interactive, video, audio, and mobile — using the tightly integrated tools and services in Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 Master Collection software.

Express yourself richly in virtually any medium

Express yourself freely and stay in the creative flow, no matter what the medium for your design, thanks to numerous new features and improvements in Creative Suite 4 Master Collection.

Simplify workflows for greater efficiency

Design across media more efficiently and effectively using simpler ways to complete common tasks and innovative new approaches to moving from one medium to another.

Exchange information, ideas, and feedback more easily

Work with new and enhanced creative professional services that enable you to collaborate online with colleagues and clients, find answers to technical questions, create and share color harmonies, and more.

What's inside:

  • InDesign CS4
  • Photoshop CS4 Extended
  • Illustrator CS4
  • Acrobat 9 Pro
  • Flash CS4 Professional
  • Dreamweaver CS4
  • Fireworks CS4
  • Contribute CS4
  • After Effects CS4
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
  • Soundbooth CS4
  • Adobe OnLocation CS4
  • Encore CS4
  • Adobe Bridge CS4
  • Adobe Device Central CS4
  • Dynamic Link
  • Version Cue CS4
File Type:Chart FX file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:File extension is used by Chart FX.
Open Programs:

Chart FX

Company / developer:
  Software FX, Inc.

Chart FX

Chart FX boosts developer productivity and aids programmability by providing fully-graphical wizards within the development environment's design surface. This allows developers to take advantage of the visual programming paradigm Visual Studio provides.

File Type:Visual Pinball script file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:Script file used by Visual Pinball.
Open Programs:

Visual Pinball

Company / developer:
  Randy Davis

Visual Paintball


Complete freedom over table layout.  If you like, you can start with nothing but a blank table and build up your creation.  Or, start with a preset table or edit an existing table.

Curved surfaces.  Walls and ramps can have both straight sections and smooth flowing arcs, as simpy as dragging a few points around.

True 3D rendering.   Tables come alive with realistic shading and shadows.  Choose to view the table at any angle, at any resolution - a small window to play while multi-tasking or full-screen max-resolution for the complete pinball effect.

Shaped Lights. Flashing arrows, arcs, semi-circles; lights can be made into any shape you deisre, or choose a simple circle to quickly whip a concept up.

Complete freedom over rules.  The amazing VBScript based engine allows you to have any event create any effect!  Combine events to create complex tasks, and give your game a real plot.

All the pinball parts are here.  Plungers, flippers, kickers, bumpers, ramps, lights, text displays, gates, spinners, timers, triggers, decals, and drop targets are all at your disposal.  And any wall section can become a slingshot with the click of a checkbox!

Shape your objects any way you want.  A tall, thin bumper with a wide overhang?  A short, stubby flipper that spins all the way around?  Not a problem, just do it.

Add images to your board.  Add your own pictures to walls, floors, spinners, bumpers, and targets to give your game a distinctive personality.  Choose any color you want for other parts like flippers, lights and text displays.

File Type:ViziGen source code file
Category:Source code and script file
File Description:A vpc file contains information that relates a model to a set of templates and generally controls the code generation process.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  ViziGen Ltd

ViziGen is a software development tool for generating source code files for any programming or scripting language.


  • is intended to be a tool for professional software developers.
  • can help where the production of source code from the model of a system is a mechanical process (for example data access layers, SQL scripts, and even forms for presentation layers in the right development environment).
  • is a regular Windows application that runs under Windows 2000, XP, or Vista. However the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 is required (freely available from Microsoft's web site or included with Vista).

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC